Wednesday 20 November 2013

dh nak balik

salam you ols..

Ini merupakan minggu terakhir aku kat sibu lah before balik ke kuching untuk smbg study. dan ini merupakan last semester so wish me luck so that dpt buat yg terbaik tok sem nie. So ddulu lah duit PT dh nak keluar,pttlah semenjak 2 menjak, 3 menjak 4 menjak nie gatal je tangan. hahaha.. so first thing first aku nak repair laptop lah sbb skrin dia retak. hah! yg aku tgh guna untuk taip and post nie lah laptop tue. nasib baik dpt pakai walaupun kau sakit wahai laptop ku.

so, whatever it is aku tak nak lah pikir bebanyak sangat dengan tak dpt kolej kata nye,paksa lah dok rumah sewa lagi sem nie bai.

ok ok ok,gua cau dulu. kalau ada msa nak update lagi lah and kongsi gmbr time semester lepas tp takdpt bab byk gmbr tak bertudung. haha


Saturday 9 November 2013

conservative statement

 Hari nie lah aku nak cakap something.. sometimes it's kinda hurt for me to hear this statement from outsiders. eventually i just make nothing happen and i just don't care what you'll to say 'bout that.. OK, straight to the point, i came from a family background that are not rich and not to poor. my parent can support me and my siblings very well indeed even though i've been borrowing moneys from PTPTN to support my living in Kuching. i will paid it later after i have finished my study in university. woot woot..

Ok back to the story again.. most of my parent's friend will come to our house or meet outside and then they will asked who is the eldest one? Then they will say that one and that is me. i will smile and feel that's nothing happen.. and then they spoke thing that even us will not care about it. tuttt, my parents will tell them they will send me to Kuching.. they will be asked why? is she working? tutttt! wrong answer. i've been studying there for about 2 years and a half.. thats okay for me but if they said something like this " wa,ini lagi pandai lah dpt masuk itu U " so u nak underestimate my adik ability lah. diaorang lagi pandai dr saya ok.. , " berapa u bgi dia sebulan RM 500,600 and etc". for god sake, my parent will not give me that huge of amount of money because they have to sustain my other siblings. thats why lah i borrow money from PTPTN to ease my parent's burden..

So, i will try my best and put that convocation picture in my living room so that people will not underestimate my ability even though my parent are not well educated meaning to say that SPM level only.. :)

PEACE yowwwwww....